Becky Cobb, REALTOR®

2022 west cobb 81 417-592-3245

“But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls.” Hebrews 10:39

“Don’t shrink back,I love this encouraging scripture from the book of Hebrews. Stand firm and persevere in all that you do. It is my goal to approach all aspects of my life with this attitude and to encourage others to do the same.

As a REALTOR® I enjoy helping people move forward with their lives and achieve their goals. Every buyer and seller is important because every transaction represents someone’s dream or need. I am honored to have the opportunity to help my clients navigate the ups and downs of a real estate transaction.

Life is lived in the homes and businesses we sell, all of us at WestCobb Alliance want to make sure you have the perfect place to live your life well and fulfill your dreams.

I am Becky Cobb, Top producing REALTOR® since 2008 and  WestCobb Alliance cofounder. I am a wife, mother, grandmother, and long time area resident.   I know the Southwest Missouri Real Estate market. I  look forward to serving you soon.  WestCobb Alliance, We are your REALTORS® for LIFE!

Contact Becky Cobb, REALTOR®:

Schedule an appointment, ask a question, or just say hi.